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dmg information appoints Stephen Stout

DMGT's business information division, dmg information, has announced that Stephen Stout, formerly CEO of Landmark Information Group, has been appointed to a newly formed position of CEO DMGI Asia Pacific.

Stephen will be located in Singapore and will be tasked with developing dmg information's presence in Asia and adjacent markets.

He will be replaced as CEO of the Landmark Information Group by Mark Milner, who was previously CEO of the Digital Property Group.

Stephen is no stranger to the Asia and Australasian markets having previously been based in Singapore for eight years and two years in Australia in previous roles.

Commenting on his new role, he said, "After 10 years at Landmark, I am extremely excited to be taking on the challenge of spearheading dmg information's expansion into Asia, a market in which we already have experience and where we can see enormous opportunities. Landmark has made huge progress over the years and it has been an honour to work with the Landmark team, who, I am certain, will continue to have success expanding Landmark's UK business and developing further in Europe."

Stephen will continue to report to Suresh Kavan, CEO of dmg information, who added, "I'd like to thank Stephen for his leadership over the last 10 years and wish him the very best of luck in his new venture. We are all very excited about realising the opportunities we have identified in the Asian markets and Stephen is exactly the person to bring those opportunities to dmg information. In his new pan-dmg information role he also has access to a vast array of dmg information services and he will be instrumental in helping our US and European businesses establish secure footings in the Asian and Australasian markets."