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FT holds global Digital Learning Week for staff

This week the Financial Times will hold its inaugural Digital Learning Week (DLW) for staff, hosting presentations, panel discussions, masterclasses and online learning sessions to inform, educate and encourage dialogue around digital and social media topics and trends.

Running from 9-11 October, FT DLW will take place in FT offices in London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing and Tokyo. Speakers include executives from Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Enders, PwC, BBC, New York Times, Kraft, Edelman, Chartbeat,, VML Qais and Pearson, plus experts in their fields from within the FT. Sessions are themed around the following topics: social media, mobile, digital advertising, data analytics and other digital trends in the media industry.

FT CEO John Ridding said: “Around the world and across the industry, reader habits are changing and the publishing industry has shifted from a single channel business to multi-channelmedia consumption. The FT is proud of its success as one of the first global media organisations to embrace these changes and make the transition work for our business with innovations like our metered access model and the FT Web App, which have since been adopted by many others. But the pace of change continues to accelerate and we must continue to adapt. This Digital Learning Week is a part of a larger effort to invest in the FT’s greatest asset, our talented and experienced staff, with a variety of training opportunities. We encourage an ongoing dialogue to ensure we stay flexible, curious and continue to succeed in this rapidly changing market.”

FT Global Communications Director Emma Gilpin-Jacobs, added: “Along with our people and our relentless commitment to offering the world’s best global journalism, digital innovation has been key to the FT’s growth strategy. As we continue to transform our business, Digital Learning Week aims to create a new way of helping our staff to engage with the digital products and trends that we are using to reach our growing global audience.”

The FT has seen consistently strong growth in digital revenues and by the end of the year expects these will be over 30% of the total. Likewise digital subscriptions are steadily increasing, and overtook global print circulation earlier this year. now has over 300,000 digital subscribers and 5 million registered users.

Other important areas of growth are mobile, which drives 25% of traffic and 15% of new subscriptions, and social media, which is growing faster than every other traffic source to and has seen an increase in referrals by 20% in the last six months, says the FT.