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FT to give free access to secondary schools

The Financial Times and Lloyds Bank are teaming up to give free access to all UK secondary schools, colleges and academies from the start of the new academic term in September.

Individual schools can register at

In addition to being able to read the FT’s journalism on, students will receive a weekly email during term time with accessible FT journalism that is relevant to their school curriculum. The email will be curated by an FT journalist and a panel of teachers, and will include a dynamic mix of text, videos and podcasts to appeal to the younger reader.

The initiative follows a successful trial at The Leys School in Cambridge, where sixth form student Krishan Puvvada has championed quality journalism as a tool to help students make connections between lectures and the world outside school life.

Krishan said: “It is very important for young people like me to better understand the wider implications of economics, politics and business on society, in order to fully appreciate the value of what is taught in our lessons. This initiative can really bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world, preparing students for working life after school. I hope many other students find the FT as engaging, inspiring and useful as I have.”

Jean Reddan, Head of Marketing at Lloyds Bank, said “We feel extremely passionate about this initiative – through our strength, empathy and experience, we’re eager to support and be by the side of the younger generation, as they look to the future and prepare to take their next step.”

Caspar de Bono, the FT’s B2B managing director, said: “Universities and employers are looking for candidates that are confident about their subject and can demonstrate a wider interest than the minimum required by the curriculum. A pilot initiative with a few secondary schools has shown that FT journalism can play a valuable part in building this deeper interest. We hope that an enthusiasm for FT journalism will stay with these students in their life beyond school.”

The FT and Lloyds Bank are launching an extensive marketing and social media campaign to encourage parents, teachers and students to sign up to the initiative, which will run for the full school year.