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Geographical launches complete digital archive.

Geographical, the official magazine of the Royal Geographical Society, last week announced the launch of its complete 81 year archive in conjunction with Exact Editions.

Previously, ten years of back issues had been available, but as of now, leading institutions including universities, government departments, colleges and libraries will be able to instantly access all issues, dating back to 1935, via the app or online. This allows users to browse more than 600 issues on their preferred device, with IP authentication allowing users access both on and off site.

Exact Editions’ in-depth search technology allows users to get the most out of this vast resource, says the company. Users can search for a term across a specific issue, year, decade or the whole archive, and then also to bookmark the relevant pages. Every single word is covered by the Exact Editions search system.

With the launch of this archive, readers can discover the initial aim of Geographical magazine, as stated in the Editor’s forward in the first issue of May 1935. The aim was ‘to do something which has never before been attempted’: to provide readers with wide-ranging and authoritative articles concerning issues faced by people across the globe.

Exact Editions’ Managing Director, Daryl Rayner said: “We are excited to work with Syon Publishing to make such a rich resource available to individuals and institutions worldwide. We are especially pleased to be offering subscriptions at a reduced rate to schools, so that young people can have access to a magazine which encourages them to engage with the wider world.”