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News launches recipes channel has unveiled a major content pillar in the form of a comprehensive new Recipes Channel.

Goodtoknow, which already generates well over 5.8 million page impressions across its 885,000 monthly unique users (* Source: Omniture), has spent the year developing the channel, which launches with a raft of special features “perfect for busy mums who need quick family meal solutions right now”.

Key elements of the Recipe Channel include:

* A database of over 4,700 practical and original recipes perfectly targeted to hard working mums

* A brand new Video section, filmed in-house with a range of celeb chefs and the Goodtoknow team, providing a simple step-by-step guide to creating the perfect family meals

* A specially created suite of tools including ‘What’s in my fridge?’, which allows users to input the ingredients lurking in their fridge and get tasty meal suggestions

* A comprehensive Recipe Finder directory, providing quick access to recipes by key ingredients, savoury or sweet, celebrity, cuisine style, meal time, diet and more

* Interactivity through recipe rating and user comments, clear and simple navigation and a wealth of images to make the mouth water editor Jolene Akehurst says: “We’re a nation obsessed with food programmes but when you look around, the recipe websites are all aimed at real foodies. There’s nothing out there for mums who need quick and easy meals. This year lots of us have realised we can save money by cooking meals from scratch. Our ambition is to give half-an-hour every day back to mums by using our speedy recipes so they can spend more time with their kids.”

The year-long technical development of the Recipe Channel is underpinned by extensive user testing and research from IPC’s Origin Panel – a UK-wide, nationally representative panel of over 7,000 women. And the Recipe Channel offers a range of new solutions for advertisers, including sponsorship opportunities across video content, recipe collections and tools, including ‘What’s in my fridge?’.

Goodtoknow publishing director Oswin Grady adds: “IPC Connect has unrivalled insight into the lives of busy young mothers and we know that they’re seeking inspiration, recommendation and practical food advice more than ever before. Goodtoknow’s Recipe Channel is a major investment in technology and editorial which delivers specifically to these audience needs, making it an indispensable daily destination for time pressured mums.”

About goodtoknow

IPC Media says: “ is the essential online destination for women today. It features content areas such as diets, food, health, family, games and chat, all packed full of practical help, advice and tips. Goodtoknow connects users to both professional experts and to each other as experience experts - to make life that little bit easier!”

About IPC Connect

IPC Media says: “IPC Connect is the women's weeklies division of IPC Media. Its market-leading portfolio of magazines includes Look, Now, Pick Me Up, Chat, Woman, Woman's Own and Woman's Weekly.”