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Historic vote for press and democracy

Europe’s press publishers applaud the historic adoption by the European Parliament of the copyright draft directive.

Historic vote for press and democracy

A spokesman for the publishers said: “This reform is not just about the modernisation of copyright but about the fundamental function of our democracies. Today, the European parliamentarians prove they value the European independent press by voting for a publishers’ right that will help ensure the sustainability of the European press sector.”

The creation of a neighbouring right for press publishers was adopted. According to the publishers, this new right will:

• help secure our independent media for the next generation

• help ensure journalists can benefit from a share of any revenue generated by the right

• modernise copyright with a proportionate approach that does not stifle digital innovation

• promote fairness in the digital ecosystem

• make copyright work on the web for news publishers and their readers

• allow consumers to continue to share links, create memes and use Wikipedia

• support genuine publishers, not fake news, and help them fulfil their role in a democratic society

• encourage innovation and publishing start-ups

The European parliament granted the rapporteur a mandate to start negotiating with the European Commission and the European Council. Press publishers urge EU institutions to adopt the final text before the end of this legislature.