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Lucy Rock appointed deputy editor of The Observer

Guardian News & Media yesterday announced that Lucy Rock has been appointed deputy editor of The Observer, reporting to Observer editor Paul Webster.

Lucy Rock appointed deputy editor of The Observer

Lucy has more than 25 years’ experience writing, commissioning and editing in news and features. From 2004-15 she was news editor at The Observer, responsible for the news and Focus pages. She was involved in two major relaunches - in 2006 and 2010 - and co-devised and developed the She Said blog.

Prior to The Observer, Lucy was deputy news editor at the Daily Express and held a variety of roles at the Daily Mirror. For the past three years, she has been based in Seattle writing high-profile interviews, features, news and comment pieces for The Observer and The Guardian.

Paul Webster said: “Lucy is a highly talented editor and writer with a strong understanding of The Observer’s cultural and intellectual traditions. She will be an excellent deputy editor at a time when our liberal, internationalist outlook has never been more important.”

Lucy Rock said: “The Observer has a special bond with its readers, fuelled by outstanding coverage of politics, international affairs, science, technology and culture. I’m honoured to be appointed deputy editor and I’m looking forward to working again with Paul and our talented team of journalists to build on The Observer’s huge strengths.”