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IET appoints Chief Advisor for new Journal

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced the appointment of Professor Lionel Tarassenko, the first of a team of Chief Advisors who will support and promote The Journal of Engineering, the IET’s new open access publication, due for launch in 2013.

The decision to establish an international team of Chief Advisors reflects the broad scope and global reach of the new journal which will provide open access to essential engineering intelligence.

The IET has also announced it will be adopting the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY licence for open access articles published across its portfolio of journals. The Attribution CC BY licence, which will be mandated by RCUK (Research Councils UK) as of April 2013, and is also being mandated by other funding bodies, allows others to distribute and build upon published research, as long as the original creation is fully credited.

Professor Lionel Tarassenko (pictured), CBE, FREng, MA, DPhil, CEng, FIET, has been holder of the Chair in Electrical Engineering at the University of Oxford since 1997. A Fellow of the IET and the Royal Academy of Engineering, he is the recipient of numerous awards and honours including a CBE for services to engineering, the 2006 Silver Medal of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the IEE Mather Premium and the IET’s IT Award for "Data Fusion Software for Early Detection of Patient Deterioration".

Professor Andy Hopper, IET President, commented: “It is vital to us to engage advisors for The Journal of Engineering who are highly respected and have a strong affinity with the IET and its aims to promote open access to key research content. In appointing Lionel Tarassenko, we have started this process and with the adoption of the CC-BY licence, I believe that The Journal of Engineering will provide a positive and welcome service for the engineering research community.”

The IET aims to invite submissions for The Journal of Engineering from late 2012 with the first articles being published online in 2013.