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IFABC re-elects President and New Board

Following the International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulation’s 25th General Assembly in Madrid, Jerry Wright has been re-elected as President as the new Executive Board is announced.

Magnus Paulsson of Sweden has also been appointed to the nine-strong Board, replacing Silvu Ispas of Romania while Paul Dovas of Australia takes over as from Hormuzd Masani as APAC Chairman. Mr Masani remains on the Board as the IFABC Treasurer.

The Madrid Assembly focused on preparing the IFABC’s members for the digital future, and keynote speeches came from Giovanni Fabris representing the views of the World Federation of Advertisers and Javier Rodriguez Zapatero, the Southern European Manager of Google.

Both speakers called on IFABC to listen to advertisers and prepare for an increasingly digital media world in which print will remain important but undergo a relative decline. The IFABC’s members no longer measure solely print and the Assembly set several longer-term directions which include increasing member organisations’ services across new digital media markets and offering audits of websites, digital editions and publications and multi-platform media brands across a wider range of channels.

Further opportunities identified from a global survey of new measurement services introduced in countries around the world include the verification of hybrid panel and census web-site measurement, digital signage, mobile measurement and events.

The IFABC is a global forum for the identification and sharing of successful innovation, providing audit bureaux around the world with one cohesive voice and setting worldwide best practice for the measurement of the media industry.

IFABC Board Structure:

President: Jerry Wright, UK

Treasurer: Hormuzd Masani, India

Europe: George Bohlander, Netherlands; Magnus Paulsson, Sweden

Ibero-American: Eusebio Serrano, Spain; Iwona Szczesna, Poland

Asia-Pacific: Paul Dovas, Australia; Pedro Silva, Brazil

Secretary: Jacob Matthews, Malaysia

Web Standards Group Chair: Richard Foan, UK

Digital Publications Committee Chair: Glenn Hansen, BPA Worldwide

About the IFABC

The IFABC says: “The International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulation (IFABC) is a voluntary cooperative federation of industry-sponsored organisations established in nations throughout the world to verify and report facts about the circulations of publications and related data.

The IFABC was founded in 1963 in Stockholm, Sweden and has 36 bureaux covering 40 countries around the world. The IFABC Executive Board consists of nine members from various ABCs around the world. There is also a global Web Standards Group, founded in 1997, which is headed up by Richard Foan from ABC UK and more recently a Digital Publications Committee, which has been chaired by Glenn Hansen from BPA Worldwide.

Jerry Wright, Chief Executive of ABC UK, was re-elected the global president of IFABC in October 2012.”