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Jamie Laing and Mail Metro Media’s Ad Manager team up to support SMEs

Mail Metro Media, the advertising arm of dmg media, has partnered with Candy Kittens founder, entrepreneur and TV personality, Jamie Laing to champion small and medium-sized businesses across the UK as part of their ‘Big on Small Business’ initiative.

Jamie Laing and Mail Metro Media’s Ad Manager team up to support SMEs
Dominic Williams: “Mail Metro Media’s work on the ‘Big on Small Business’ campaign has had a huge impact over the last year.”

To showcase the benefits of its Ad Manager platform, Mail Metro Media has created what it describes as a fun, tongue in cheek piece of content featuring Jamie as he navigates the world of modern marketing. The 60 and 30 second vignettes will be supported by dmg media’s digital and social channels.

Candy Kittens Founder, Jamie Laing said: “Candy Kittens is incredibly excited to join forces with Mail Metro Media to champion businesses of all shapes and sizes across the UK. Our experience as a growing business, together with Mail Metro Media’s extensive audience reach, means we’re well placed to showcase the hard work and determination it takes to run and grow a business.”

According to Mail Metro Media, Ad Manager is a self-service platform that easily and effectively allows SMEs to manage their own ad campaigns across its online newsbrands, including MailOnline, and

Mail Metro Media’s chief revenue officer, Dominic Williams said: “We’re incredibly excited to join forces with Jamie Laing to champion businesses of all shapes and sizes across the UK. Mail Metro Media’s work on the ‘Big on Small Business’ campaign has had a huge impact over the last year in supporting small businesses through the power of digital advertising, and means we’re well placed to showcase the hard work and determination it takes to run and grow a business.”

Also demonstrating the wider businesses commitment to SMEs, This is Money, the money and business section of MailOnline, has launched the 'Entrepreneur Academy’ – a new channel dedicated to helping SMEs at every stage of their journey.

The Entrepreneur Academy channel aims to provide content to engage, educate and inform entrepreneurs of everything they need to know in order to start, grow and profit from the opportunities that the online world can offer their businesses.

Money’s editor, Simon Lambert said: “The saying has long been that everyone reckons they have a book in them, I believe that in modern-day Britain it's more like everyone believes they have a business in them.

“The hurdle many first-time entrepreneurs face is how to turn that idea into reality, while existing business owners often wonder how they can grow.

“We have long championed Britain's small businesses and told their stories to help inspire others to start-up or succeed in expanding their endeavours.

“The idea behind the Entrepreneur Academy was to create a special section dedicated to the tips, advice and encouragement that SMEs need to grow and thrive and also bring those considering starting a business the information they need to set the ball rolling.”

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