Jessica (pictured), who is currently Ad Director for NatMag’s popular celebrity weekly, Reveal, will take over display advertising responsibility across the weeklies portfolio from May 9. Titles in the portfolio include Reveal, Best and Real People. Jessica replaces Greg Witham who was last month promoted to Trading & Key Accounts Director of NatMag’s newly configured and re-branded central advertising unit – Hearst UK Cross Media.
Jessica was promoted to Ad Manager for Reveal and then as Ad Director for the title three years later. Jessica also managed the team that delivered significant growth on Reveal when it was re-launched in August 2008, driving a 65% increase YOY in pagination volume in 2010.
In her new role, Jessica will be responsible for managing the weekly display advertising team, developing relationships with existing and new clients, and growing ad revenue across the entire weekly portfolio. She will report to Group Publishing Director, Drew Kirkland.
During the last ABC period (February 2011), NatMag claims that their weekly titles, Best, Reveal and Real People, all delivered great performances with many taking market share with a combined weekly circulation of more than 800,000. Advertisers across the weekly portfolio include: Procter & Gamble, Unilever, L'Oreal & Boots.
Drew Kirkland says: “Jessica's drive, energy & passion have been central to the continued success of Reveal and I am delighted that Jessica is now able to apply these skills/attributes to the wider Weeklies' business.”
Jessica Myers says: “I am thrilled with my appointment as Group Ad Director and relish the opportunity to work across all three Natmag weekly titles. I am very excited to be working with such a fantastic sales team and look forward to the new challenges and opportunities my new role will bring.”
NatMag will be advertising for a new Ad Manager for Reveal in due course.