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Key takeaways from our Jan / Feb issue

James Evelegh's editorial from today’s edition of InPubWeekly.

By James Evelegh

Key takeaways from our Jan / Feb issue

You should now have received our slightly delayed Jan / Feb issue. I hope you’re enjoying it!

There are loads of good takeaways, including the following seven, which stood out for me: 1. It’s time for a grown-up conversation on funding. Society needs regional journalism, but will it pay for it? The Cairncross review is part of that conversation. 2. We mustn’t forget hyperlocals. Often the only journalists at council meetings are from hyperlocals. They should benefit too from any government / social media platform largesse. 3. Print magazines don’t necessarily have to make money! They are the centrepiece around which profitable activities can be arranged. 4. Train your journalists to deal with trolls. There are ways of dealing with society’s malcontents, but unless your journalists are proactively trained in them, they are at risk of self-censorship, demotivation and loss of productivity. 5. Make sure you’re measuring the right things. In the world of social media, don’t get blinded by follower stats. It’s now all about engagement.6. Look outside publishing for inspiration. Tech start-ups have no qualms about nicking ideas from other sectors, nor should publishers. Don’t be proud – it’s ok to borrow. 7. Develop a distinctive voice. Nowhere is this more important than in the world of podcasting. But take care when chasing the youth audience. Don’t patronise or dumb down; that never ends well…

Finally, you will see inserted with your Jan / Feb issue, a copy of this year’s Publishing Partners Guide, containing 48 in-depth supplier profiles and some interesting articles too. I hope you find it useful. If you’re looking for a new supplier at any time over the next twelve months, then the guide is a good place to start…