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Launch: Self Build Homes

Self Build Homes, a new monthly magazine for self-builders, goes on sale 30 September, priced £3.99.

According to distributors, COMAG Specialist: “Aimed at self-builders and those looking to improve their home with an extension or conversion, Self Build Homes seeks to capture the joy of creating a superb home exactly to a person’s own design and for their very own lifestyle.

Essential reading for both prospective and experienced self-builders alike, Self Build Homes is the perfect magazine for anyone interested in self-building, whether they are a complete novice or a veteran of numerous self-build homes.

According to a recent report by AMA Research, the self-build market in the UK is currently worth around £3.5 billion. Self-build is therefore being seen as an increasingly attractive proposition in these cost-conscious times.

With a wide range of building projects, from the traditionally styled to the cutting edge of contemporary design, every issue of Self Build Homes will have plenty of information relevant to anyone working on or thinking about a self-build project.

Every issue of Self Build Homes will be packed with advice and information on matters such as design, planning and locating building plots, as well as renovation, conversion and choosing materials. Self Build Homes will also look at finance, green issues and legal matters, with case studies and feature readers’ own homes.

All aspects of the subject of self-build will be covered, so that readers can confidently realise the dream of creating their own home with Self Build Homes.”