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Mike Newman is new Chair of PDF

Adrian Smith, who was the first Chairman of the Press Distribution Forum since the inauguration in September 2010 until 31st December 2011, has now relinquished the position and passed the baton to Mike Newman for the next 12 months.

Adrian commented, “It has been a privilege to Chair the PDF through its formation and initial stages and I am pleased that much groundwork has been achieved by the members to further improve the supply chain. I am delighted that Mike has taken over for 2012 and with his vast experience and commitment he will, I am sure, help lead the PDF to further significant improvements to the benefit of all in the supply chain and ultimately the consumer.”

Mike (pictured) has responded with, “First, the industry must acknowledge a tremendous debt to Adrian Smith for being instrumental in getting the PDF established. For my part, no matter what the New Year brings, publishers, wholesalers and retailers are all part of the news and magazine supply chain, which we all benefit from. The members of the PDF will be doing their best in 2012 to ensure that the supply chain carries on working efficiently and improves where possible. Above all the PDF is ready to listen: if you have anything to say about the supply chain, let us know!”

About the Press Distribution Forum (PDF)

The PDF says: The purpose of the Press Distribution Forum is to provide a self regulated forum for associations and companies involved in the supply and distribution of newspapers and magazines and to ensure the continuation of a diverse and plural press with its widespread availability to retailers and consumers.

The Association Members are:

• Newspaper Publishers Association (NPA)

• Professional Publishers Association (PPA)

• Association of Newspaper and Magazine Wholesalers (ANMW)

The Press Distribution Forum Board Members are:

Mike Newman - Chairperson

Nigel Lomas - NPA

Lucy Ukoumunne - NPA

Mike Mirams - PPA

Nicola Rowe - PPA

David Cooke - MD

Mark Charlton - SN

Neil Robinson - PDRP Arbiter

Dorothy King - Administrator