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NCTJ and Sky Sports News debut video about importance of shorthand

A video promoting the importance of shorthand for professional journalists has been unveiled at the NCTJ’s shorthand seminar.

The video was screened for the first time at the seminar in Mary Ward House in London on Friday 17 May. The video was commissioned by the NCTJ to demonstrate the continued importance of shorthand in the modern newsroom following concerns from the accreditation board on shorthand achievement.

Joanne Butcher (pictured), chief executive of the NCTJ, said: “Shorthand has always been recognised by the NCTJ as a core skill for journalists. While not an easy skill to master, achieving 100 wpm demonstrates tenacity to succeed as a journalist. I would like to thank BSkyB and all of the contributors for working with us on this important project.”  

Laurie Tucker, day editor of Sky Sports News who co-produced the video said: “Shorthand is an essential tool for all journalists in the digital age and trainees will find many more doors opening if they achieve that goal of 100 words a minute. This video will help course leaders promote shorthand and help candidates understand its importance. BSkyB, like many employers, now only take on those trainees who’ve shown the application and tenacity needed to pass shorthand.”

The video, produced by BSkyB, features contributions from journalists and editors across the industry, including: Alex Crawford, special correspondent, Sky News; Graham Dudman, editorial development director, News International; Maria Hudd, sports reporter, Eastbourne Herald; Dave King, head of news, Eastbourne Herald; Aiden Magee, reporter, Sky Sports News; Emily Nash, reporter, The Sun; Jane Peel, news correspondent, BBC; Helen Pidd, northern editor, The Guardian; Jon Vale, reporter, Berkshire Media Group; Jim White, presenter, Sky Sports News and Joanna Wilson, producer, Sky Sports News.

To view the full video, please click here.


The Guardian’s Chris Elliott told delegates at the NCTJ shorthand seminar on Friday it is vital for journalism students to achieve 100 wpm to give them the best possible start in the industry.

Chris, who is readers’ editor at The Guardian and chairman of the NCTJ accreditation board, said: “Most mainstream employers insist on 100 wpm as it makes students more able to do the job at the pace required and is a means of sifting through the large number of applicants. It also shows that students are serious about journalism and committed to being the best. 

“Tutors teaching on accredited courses have told us it is sometimes difficult to motivate students to attend classes and to concentrate on speed building. We want to work with shorthand tutors to encourage students to achieve the gold standard in shorthand and re-establish the connection with journalism.”

Two NCTJ students were presented with the Ryman Shorthand Award for outstanding results in shorthand at the seminar which was held at Mary Ward House in London. Both students are currently studying at Sunderland University.

Daniel Prince, who is completing a BA in Sports Journalism, won the award for 110 wpm and Padraig Whelan, also on the Sports Journalism course, won the award for 100 wpm.

Daniel said: “I am delighted to have won this award, and would like to thank my shorthand tutors Susan Pickering and Elaine Hunt-Vincent for all their help and perseverance. I feel shorthand is an invaluable skill that has already reaped dividends for me, and I am extremely happy to have achieved 110 wpm."

Padraig added: “I was very surprised to win the award but also very happy that it is recognised when you work hard to improve at something. Shorthand isn't easy but it’s a key skill and I wanted to make sure I achieved it.”

Both awards consisted of certificates and cheques for £250. Richard Bennett, chief operating officer at Ryman, said: “The needs of students are always top of mind at Ryman. Shorthand is an amazingly valuable skill to have in today’s fast moving business world. We know students rely on Ryman to support them throughout their studies providing discounts and deals on stationery, printing and binding nationwide through more than 230 retail stores and online at”

About the National Council for the Training of Journalists

The NCTJ says: “The NCTJ is the leading journalism training organisation. It accredits courses at education and training providers; offers qualifications which guarantee the skills needed in the workplace for entry-level students and trainees through to senior status; fosters continuing professional development for journalists, and provides a range of services and products relevant to its customers.”