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New-look websites unveiled

Johnston Press has unveiled its new template for local websites with the launch at The News in Portsmouth.

The new look has also been rolled out to a number of weekly titles in the South and will continue across the Group in due course.

Traffic figures have been encouraging so far with unique users up and referrals rising sharply across the different areas of the site, including commercial verticals, says Johnston Press.

Early feedback from the user survey run as part of the Portsmouth launch has been very positive with 85% and above rating the overall design as good or very good and agreeing that the new site is an improvement on the old one.

Alex Gubbay, director digital platforms, said: “It’s early days, but we’re very pleased with how the launch has gone so far.”

Separate development work is to start on a number of related improvements to the template – focused on enhancing functionality for key areas.

The aim will be to introduce these developments to the sites gradually through the second half of 2013.