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News UK freezes DDC review until December 2021

News UK has frozen its Direct Delivery Charge review until December 2021 to support retailers in the fall out from the global pandemic.

News UK freezes DDC review until December 2021

News UK had frozen the charge until May, but has now decided to extend that to a 12 month freeze, reports the NFRN.

Newsprinters Managing Director Darren Barker said: "Due to the continuing uncertainty for retailers caused by the pandemic, in London News UK is freezing the Direct Delivery Charge for the full year. The next DDC review date will be in December 2021. We have received positive feedback from our retail partners when we became the first wholesaler to freeze delivery charges in January and will look to work closely with our customers over the coming year to further strengthen the position of the news category as Britain bounces back."

NFRN National President Stuart Reddish said: “Having initially delayed any review into its carriage charges until May, we are delighted that News UK DTR acknowledges the financial challenges that news retailers have found themselves in over the past year and has now decided to freeze this until the end of the year.”

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