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Newspaper Society Message to the Government

On the eve of the Leveson Report Publication, the Newspaper Society has sent a message to the Government.

David Newell (pictured), Newspaper Society Director said: “Britain’s 1,100 regional and local newspapers, with their 33 million readers in print and 42 million unique users online, urge the Government to consult the wider public on Leveson’s recommendations, when they are published.

“The public’s views in the nations, regions and localities of the UK, which have so far not been the focus of the Leveson inquiry or of politicians, should be at the centre of the debate on press freedom and press regulation.

“No evidence has been produced to Leveson which justifies controlling local and regional newspapers through a new system of Government controls under a statutory regime. Any state system would mean that the Government crossed a line of historic and constitutional significance. This would alter the relationship between Government and its citizens and jeopardise individual freedoms.”