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Newsworks releases new survey results

According to a recent survey by Newsworks, 80% of news brand readers believe it is important to live sustainably.

Newsworks releases new survey results
Jo Allan: “This study shows just how engaged news brand readers are with the climate crisis - they really want to help make a real difference and make the right choices for the planet.”

A new study by Newsworks has revealed that the overwhelming majority of news brand readers are increasingly adopting environmental choices in their everyday lives.

96% of people surveyed by Newsworks said they take positive steps when it comes to the climate, but two thirds (62%) admitted that the cost-of-living crisis may force them to make cutbacks on sustainable products and services when shopping.

However, there is a real opportunity for brands, added Newsworks – almost six in 10 readers said they feel more favourable towards advertisers that have a sustainable ethos. 56% also agreed that knowing a brand has a sustainable alternative could influence their purchase decision.

Of those surveyed 70% agreed news brands should be using their platforms to educate and raise awareness about climate change, while 79% feel they have a similar role to play with the cost-of-living crisis.

News brands have launched a whole series of editorial campaigns focused on improving the environment and helping readers to change behaviours. These include ‘Plug It In’ from the Evening Standard, ‘Green Britain’ by the Daily Express, The Times’ ‘Clean Air for All’ as well as the Daily Mail’s ongoing ‘Turn the Tide on Plastic’.

Jo Allan, Newsworks CEO, said: “This study shows just how engaged news brand readers are with the climate crisis - they really want to help make a real difference and make the right choices for the planet.

“News brands play an important role in helping to inform and advise their audiences and the results of our cross-industry study show how advertisers can become more actively involved in helping to drive real behaviour change.”

The study of over 2,300 readers – conducted as a collaboration across the news industry – revealed that news brands present a unique opportunity for brands, to promote green credentials, products and services:

  • People look to news brands to find information on ways to help live sustainably.
  • There is an expectation for news brands to be involved in the climate change conversation and the cost-of-living crisis, agreeing they have an important role in educating people on both topics.
  • There is an appetite among the new brands audience for advertisers to provide more information about what they are doing to be more sustainable.

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