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NFRN criticise Newsquest and Local World

The NFRN has strongly criticised Newsquest and Local World for reducing the retailer percentage margin on a number of their titles.

According to the NFRN: Both Newsquest and Northcliffe (Local World) titles have put up cover prices on a number of their regional titles, but while the pence per copy has increased in some cases by 4p and remained static in others, the percentage margin has not gone up pro rata on many of the newspaper titles.

Among those involved are the Western Telegraph, Wells and Shepton Mallet Journals, Cheddar Valley, Somerset, and Western Gazettes, Bath Chronicle, Somerset Guardian and Somerset Standard

In the case of the Hereford Times, the margin that local newsagents receive has been slashed to just 18.5 per cent.

NFRN National President Alan Smith (pictured) said: “In these austere economic times, it is very saddening to see some regional publishers increasing prices of titles but cutting margins to the retailers. The publishers will no doubt argue that the pence per copy given to retailers has increased, but for the retailer this is yet another cut in their profits and for many, all the more galling as it comes after they have given their local paper years of support.

“Both Newsquest and Northcliffe (Local World) will argue that these cuts are a necessity to protect the titles involved, but this has not been the case for all regional publishers. Only this week Archant announced another pro rata increase on the Romford Recorder, and Media Scotland recently made increases to 14 of their regional titles, all accompanied with pro rata terms. This move was warmly welcomed by Scottish NFRN members.”

Mr Smith continued: “So why can some publishers fully reward the retailers who support their product and others chose not to? That’s what we will be forcefully asking both Newsquest and Northcliffe (Local World) as well as urging them to reconsider their actions and give their local newsagents the support they deserve.”