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NMA launches Report on BBC’s Role in the News Media Market

The News Media Association has today launched a report by Oliver & Ohlbaum entitled ‘UK News Provision at the Crossroads: The News Market in the 21st Century and the Likely Implications for the BBC’s Role’.

The 69-page report, which has been published this morning along with a document detailing the industry’s response to it, looks at the changing market for local, national and international news services and the BBC’s role within it, as part of the BBC Charter Review process.

* BBC Charter Review: Cooperation Framework for BBC News Essential to Safeguard a Vibrant and Plural UK News Market

* The BBC’s Role in the News Media Landscape: The Publishers’ View

Prepared by O&O for the NMA, the report’s key recommendations are that a clear framework of targets and controls to govern the BBC’s news services and put cooperation at the heart of its guiding principles must be implemented to ensure a durable, vibrant and plural UK news market. It will form part of the NMA’s submission to the green paper on BBC Charter Review, House of Lords select committee inquiry and other relevant consultations.