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NRS announces launch of mobile and tablet estimates

The National Readership Survey Ltd (NRS) yesterday announced the launch of mobile and tablet readership measurement to NRS PADD.

The key findings behind the additional data will be unveiled at a launch event on the 17th September, providing unique insight into how people are consuming content across print, PC, mobile and tablet, says NRS.

The launch event, taking place on the 17th September at Ham Yard Hotel in Soho, will provide a first glimpse at the key findings behind the new data. The full data set will be published at 10:00AM on the 17th September, under embargo till 9:00AM on the 19th September and will show NRS PADD readership data for the period July 2013 to June 2014, incorporating June 2014 comScore data, across nineteen of the UK’s leading titles.

NRS, which conducts face-to-face surveys with 36,000 people per year, now includes questions about whether consumers have accessed publisher brands across a wide range of digital platforms such as:

• Website on a mobile and/or tablet

• App on a mobile and/or tablet

• Digital edition on PC, laptop, tablet and/or e-reader

The questions cover 13 news brands and 24 magazine brands.

Simon Redican, chief executive at NRS, said: “We are excited to be launching the first insight into audience reach of publishers’ content on tablet and mobile. Publishers have invested heavily in their offering on all major digital platforms and it is imperative that the survey allows their commercial teams and agency customers to understand how this is adding to the reach and influence of the sector. In combination with the current review, we are confident that customers can see the appetite in the sector to provide the data we need to ensure the long term health of this vital market. With our research partners we are exploring how we can add further titles to the mobile analysis and how much more granular detail we can understand to aid the planning process.”

Since its launch in September 2012, NRS PADD has been providing estimates of the combined reach of print and PC websites based on a fusion of NRS and comScore data. The new mobile and tablet estimates have been added to this dataset, across an initial nineteen of the UK’s leading titles, with additional titles being included in future releases subject to sample sizes and approval.