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NRS PADD to use UKOM/comScore datasets

The National Readership Survey has announced the appointment of comScore as the online audience measurement provider for its Print and Digital Data product, NRS PADD.

This move to the new supplier takes effect as of 2013 with the first data provided by comScore due to be published in the NRS PADD report on 20 March. The change supports the earlier decision taken by UKOM to appoint comScore as its digital partner.

NRS print readership estimates will continue to be collected by Ipsos MORI while RSMB will remain responsible for the fusion of the two data sources.

Mike Ironside, chief executive of NRS commented: "It’s very important for us to respond quickly to our clients’ requirements and the ever changing nature of digital measurement. The appointment of comScore is a perfect example of this scenario. We’re looking forward to working with comScore to produce reports that continue to be the benchmark for digital audience measurement across the newspaper and magazine industry.”

Douglas McArthur, chairman of UKOM said: “The multi-platform PADD data that NRS will be releasing through its new relationship with comScore will powerfully complement the multi-platform digital data that UKOM will be releasing in 2013 through comScore - and UKOM looks forward to deepening the relationship with NRS.”

About NRS

NRS says: “NRS Ltd is a non-profit-making, commercial organisation funded by the NPA, PPA and IPA.  Its primary role is to provide reliable and professional readership estimates of the number and nature of the people who read Britain’s newspapers and consumer magazines.  Currently the survey publishes data for more than 300 newspapers, newspaper supplements and magazines, which together represent the large majority of the UK press advertising market.”