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Nuts’ interactive success

Nuts, the UK’s biggest selling weekly men’s magazine, clocked up over 200,000 interactions (blipps) with its ‘Blippar enabled’ Interactive Issue in just one week, an unprecedented level of engagement using the interactive mobile platform, says the publisher.

The Interactive Issue (on sale 3rd January) is Nuts’ most ambitious interactive print edition to date and included over 20 pieces of additional augmented editorial content that were brought to life by readers via their smartphones and the free Blippar application. On average, each user that interacted with the content did so 13 times (Over 15,000 unique users generated more than 200,000 interactions with the issue), suggesting a deep level of engagement with Nuts and further demonstrating the audience’s appetite to engage with the brand across different platforms.

James Thrower, publisher, Nuts says: “The Interactive Issue has been a massive hit with our audience of tech savvy young men, with approximately a third of all buyers of the magazine that own a smartphone engaging with the wide range of content featured. The interactive content on our fashion and reviews pages, for example, delivered our audience to within one click of purchase - a powerful tool for the rapid growth of m-commerce in the UK.

“Nuts plans to continue delivering engaging content young men can interact with via smartphones, giving our advertisers the opportunity to connect directly with magazine buyers via their mobiles.”

Stephen Shaw, opportunities director for Blippar adds: “The unprecedented number of Blippar app downloads and associated ‘blipps’ from this campaign demonstrates the tangible commercial ROI that forward thinking publishers, like IPC, can achieve when new interactive platforms, like Blippar, are embraced wholeheartedly by both editorial and commercial departments. The key driver to the success of the campaign was that Nuts understood the need to not only provide strong calls to action to ‘blipp’ their interactive pages, but also the need to deliver entertaining and engaging content ideas. The results speak for themselves.”