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Paper's 'Wren confronts MP on expenses' story goes viral on internet

A story posted on the North Devon Gazette’s website showing a former Wren handing an MP £7.20 ‘for his expenses’ on Remembrance Sunday has gone viral.

The story, including video footage of the exchange and photographs of the note and £7.20 ‘donation’ to MP Sir Nick Harvey, was broken by Archant South West’s Gazette at 3.20pm.

Reporter Sarah Howells scoured Facebook for the video after receiving a tip off from a reader and found it had already had hundreds of shares.

After speaking to Fiona Laing, the woman featured in the video, Sarah managed to obtain the footage, photos of the letter given to Mr Harvey and quotes to add colour.

People from all around the world have commented and emailed in about the story with strong opinions on both sides.

It was also picked up the following day by several nationals including the Telegraph, Sun and Daily Mail, as well as other regional papers and television news.

The story came after it emerged last year Mr Harvey had claimed £7.20 in expenses in November 2011 to attend Remembrance services in his constituency.

Ms Laing said she felt this was ‘an insult to those who had died’ and made the protest after the Remembrance Sunday parade in Barnstaple.

Mr Harvey said the expense claim was down to ‘human error’ and he wished to return the £7.20 to Ms Laing for her to donate to charity.

Watch the video here or read the full story on the North Devon Gazette website.