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P&ME announces 4% increase in visitors

In its first year under a new name, Publishing & Media Expo has announced that its audience grew by 4% this year.

Education topics included content as currency, digital sales, digital design, app development and success stories from publishers who have adapted to a changing audience demands. Among the keynote speakers on the programme were Paul Field, associate editor of The Daily Mail and Rupert Knowles from Adobe who spoke about The Daily Mail Plus project, the groundbreaking new app which reportedly maintains the ‘newspaper look and feel’.

Jonny Kaldor, MD of Kaldor Group also spoke as part of the keynote programme giving his audience of publishers the inside track on ‘how to create a beautiful weekly publication for mobile without killing your art director’; while Steven Trew, Application Business Development and UK Agency Lead, Microsoft from Microsoft joined Rob Grainger from Stonewash and Ben Greenish from EMAP to discuss the new opportunities Windows 8 provides for publishers.

Launched this year, in association with Digital Shoreditch, was the Digital Innovation Challenge. A challenge designed to give up-and-coming digital companies the chance to pitch publishing solutions directly to the publishing community. The challenges posed were to monetise content and/or to generate stronger communities. It was standing room only during the final pitch with five entrants competing against one another. The judges agreed with the audience vote awarding Platter with the winner’s title. Platter is a platform for cooks to share ideas in the simplest format - photos.  But unlike Instagram, Platter reveals the creative process behind those pictures.  Many of their users reference favourite cookbooks and columns and Platter is using this data to build communities. In doing this, Platter extends the influence of traditional food media beyond print and into digital.

Will Hodson from Platter said, “We were chuffed just at getting the chance to pitch at the Publishing & Media Expo.  To win - especially with such an august panel of judges - was amazing.  Since the pitch we've had lots of interesting conversations with wide range of different publishers.  There is a general sense that food media is ripe for a revolution and our platform can spark it across any number of publications.”

In order to manage anticipated high demand for this free educational content, organisers introduced a queue management system where visitors collected vouchers for the sessions they wanted to attend. This system was mirrored in neighbouring Technology for Marketing & Advertising and was hugely successful in both cases, say the organisers.

“We are absolutely delighted with the strength of the content at this year’s show and the reception it got from visitors. Having re-branded this year to include ‘media’ in our name it was vital that we provide content that reflected the move in publishing towards a more multi-channel approach” said Jon Howell, event manager of Publishing & Media Expo.

“The feedback we received from visitors and exhibitors alike was really fantastic and we’re already making plans for the 2014 show. It’s important that we lead the way in embracing this vibrant and fast moving industry whilst maintaining the strength of the more traditional side of the show.”

Publishing & Media Expo 2014 will take place on the 25th and 26th of February next year. Further information can be found at