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Qmuli appointed sole ad delivery method for i newspaper

Qmuli, one of the UK’s leading ad delivery companies, has entered into a partnership with Johnston Press’ i newspaper to become the sole deliverer of ads to the title.

Commencing from 2nd April (for publication on the 11th April onwards), Johnston Press will offer Qmuli’s solution to i Newspaper’s advertisers as the sole method of delivering artwork files. is a well-proven and nationally accepted method of delivering artwork, both print and digital, to news and magazine publishers. It is part of the stable of cloud-based production tools operated by Qmuli and is relied on throughout the advertising industry by agencies, publishers and production houses, says Qmuli.

The UK’s other ad delivery solution providers will still be able to deliver artwork files but only via Indeed, continues Qmuli, one of the reasons Johnston Press selected is that it is the only ad delivery system that the other leading solutions already use. The advantage to Johnston Press is that all ad artwork will now be received via one direct system rather than four, ensuring the company’s workflow is more efficient.

Qmuli is also hosting all of i newspaper’s ad specifications via its ad.lib spec library.

Colin Smithson, Publisher Liaison & Support Manager at Qmuli, says: “Johnston Press has only just completed the purchase of the i newspaper and we are proud to have been able to assist in changes to the ongoing production arrangements for the publication.

Smithson continues, “Working closely with JP’s production centre in Leeds, we have aided the smooth transfer of processes for accepting all incoming artwork. This now allows Johnston Press to offer our solution to i newspaper’s advertisers as the sole method of delivering artwork files.”

Marcus Kirby, Director of Qmuli says: “As one of the largest suppliers of artwork to National and Regional publications, Qmuli is delighted to assist Johnston Press with its new endeavour. Qmuli sees this publication growing with the support and passion Johnston Press shows for all its publications, as it continues to be a vociferous champion of the publishing industry.”