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Qwarry partners with SeenThis

The partnership between Qwarry and SeenThis combines advanced semantic analysis with adaptive streaming technology and sees 23% reduction in data transfer across digital advertising campaigns.

Qwarry partners with SeenThis
Jean-Robert Mamin: “We are thrilled to join forces with Qwarry who shares our mission to prioritize sustainability in digital advertising, especially when the overall performance increases as a result."

Adaptive streaming company, SeenThis, has announced a new partnership with real-time and cookieless semantic marketing platform, Qwarry, to provide a more sustainable landscape within digital advertising.

SeenThis says its proprietary streaming technology has disrupted traditional content distribution methods, providing a solution that maximizes performance while minimizing carbon emissions from digital campaigns. By harnessing SeenThis’ technology, Qwarry, a platform that enables businesses to make sustainable decisions through advanced semantic analysis, can help their customers deliver impactful messages while minimizing their carbon footprint from creative delivery, compared to conventional technologies.

SeenThis; creative platform enables digital advertising campaigns to achieve maximum effectiveness while minimizing data waste and the energy it would consume, added the company.

Geoffrey Berthon, CEO at Qwarry, says: “We aim to empower industry stakeholders to create campaigns with a reduced environmental footprint while actively contributing to the industry's transformation towards a more virtuous model. Our partnership with SeenThis plays a pivotal role in this endeavor, allowing us to take a step towards minimizing carbon emissions while Qwarry upholds user privacy. Together, we’re building a brand sustainable future where advertising respects both the planet and individuals.”

Jean-Robert Mamin, managing director France at SeenThis, adds: “We are thrilled to join forces with Qwarry who shares our mission to prioritize sustainability in digital advertising, especially when the overall performance increases as a result, and I look forward to tackling the sustainability challenge together. Our combined expertise and resources will pave the way for innovative solutions that propel us towards the change we need.”

Qwarry's advanced semantic analysis capabilities equip companies with the knowledge to make informed sustainability decisions, ensuring their advertising efforts align with their corporate social responsibility objectives. Through this new partnership, Qwarry's clients gain access to a powerful tool that optimizes creative delivery, eliminates data waste, measures data transfer and estimates carbon emissions associated with the creative delivery of digital campaigns, the company expanded.

The partnership say they have already yielded results, with a recent campaign achieving a 23% reduction in data transfer compared to running creatives of corresponding quality using conventional technology. For the 1m impressions streamed in this campaign, this is the equivalent of 373GB less data transfer, representing 120kg of CO2e in avoided emissions, which exemplifies the potential of technology-driven solutions to create tangible positive impact on the environment.

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