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Mediahub UK cleans up ad delivery

The agency’s work for Pinterest, backed by Lumen lab tests and supported by SeenThis Technology, drove brand uplift whilst minimising carbon emissions.

Mediahub UK cleans up ad delivery
Erfan Djazmi: “Crucially, this proves that sustainable technology investment and client outcomes can co-exist.”

Along with platform partner, SeenThis, Mediahub says it tested a hypothesis for a UK Pinterest brand campaign, backed by a lab test carried out by Lumen. This found that the streamed campaign drove 1.7x higher attention than the same ad served using traditional ad serving methods, resulting in a massive 81% higher brand effect.

Mediahub UK says it calculated the campaign’s carbon footprint related to creative delivery at 683 kg CO2e, using the SRI Alliance Digital broadcast model. Streamed with SeenThis technology, the campaign transferred an estimated 38% less data compared to delivering the tested creative and player. This resulted in an estimated 14% avoided emissions from creative delivery, added the company.

As a result of this success, all Mediahub UK’s digital brand campaigns will now be powered by SeenThis streaming technology, the company continued.

“We're thrilled to prove out a new model that delivers faster, cleaner, and better ad experiences, and continues to challenge legacy practices. Crucially, this proves that sustainable technology investment and client outcomes can co-exist,” says Erfan Djazmi, chief digital officer, Mediahub UK.

"Our proprietary adaptive streaming technology supplants conventional industry ad-delivery practices, with brand lift data demonstrating how lightning-fast ad-loading generates higher attention from users,” adds Jesper Benon, founder & CEO SeenThis.

Mike Follett, CEO & co-founder, Lumen, concludes: "Our data has proven that streaming tech enhances the viewing experiences for end users, drives better outcomes for clients and results in lower carbon emissions due to lower data transfer - a win-win all round.”

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