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Reach Sport launch interactive digital programmes with Jellyfish

Following a successful trial during Project Restart, Reach Sport and Jellyfish have teamed up to launch interactive digital matchday programmes for Manchester United and Celtic football clubs.

Reach Sport launch interactive digital programmes with Jellyfish
Steve Hanrahan: “Jellyfish have helped us deliver a quality digital matchday programme for a number of our clients.”

With short publishing lead times prior to each match, the printed matchday programme – which continues to be published for collectors – is converted to a mobile-optimised edition overnight. Enhancements such as videos and galleries are added in the MagazineCloner interface to bring the edition to life, ready for go-live in the club webstores well in advance of the game, giving fans the chance to recreate their matchday experience from home on their mobile phone, tablet or computer.

Head of Product at Jellyfish, Patrick Knight, commented: “With sports teams needing new ways to recreate the matchday experience this season we’re delighted to have been part of these launches with Reach and two of the UK’s largest football clubs. Working with the Reach team has been a pleasure and the interactive editions have been well received by supporters.”

Steve Hanrahan, Managing Director of Reach Sport said: "Jellyfish have helped us deliver a quality digital matchday programme for a number of our clients across the Premier League. Tight turnaround times haven't phased the team and they are great at finding solutions and working collaboratively."

You can find out more about Jellyfish in our Publishing Services Directory.