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Scotsman to move to new Edinburgh office

The Scotsman, Edinburgh Evening News and Scotland on Sunday are moving to new office space in a central Edinburgh location, it was revealed in a staff meeting on Friday afternoon.

Scotsman to move to new Edinburgh office

Scotsman editor Neil McIntosh told staff of the three sister newspapers about the move, explaining that the offices in Orchard Brae had become “increasingly anachronistic” with people working from home since the Covid pandemic initiated a lockdown in March last year.

The newspaper, which along with its sister newspapers is owned by JPIMedia, has been based at Orchard Brae House since 2014 after moving from its previous headquarters at Barclay House on Holyrood Road. It’s historic office by North Bridge is now a hotel.

A JPIMedia spokeswoman told Hold the Front Page that the announcement of the move had been received “with lots of enthusiasm” by staff and that the “contract will be signed next week as we wanted to consult with staff first.

“This is a natural step for the team in Edinburgh as JPIMedia employees have now successfully adopted a combination of home working, working in the office and hybrid working environment,” she added.

She explained that the “goal was to find a more appropriate, flexible future-proofed office arrangement, back into the heart of the local community.”

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