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Simon Loxham appointed IPC Media Digital Technology Director

IPC Media digital director Neil Robinson has announced the appointment of Simon Loxham as IPC Media digital technology director, replacing Kevin Heery who is to move to New York to take up the role of senior vice president, Digital across Time Inc.’s Lifestyle Group.

Currently product director within IPC Digital, Simon (pictured) joined IPC in 2009 as head of Web Technology for IPC Connect, taking on additional responsibility for IPC Southbank the following year. During that time, Simon led the transformation of and its new Recipes channel and oversaw numerous developments on homes and fashion sites, including Prior to joining IPC, Simon held a number of senior digital roles at Reed Business Information and played a key role in integrating Agile methodology into that business.

He was promoted to his current role in October 2010, adding IPC Digital's commercial solutions team and IPC Inspire's sport and leisure websites to his remit.

Simon takes up his new role on 2 January 2013, with responsibility for all product development and digital technology across IPC. He will lead the 70-strong digital technology team across IPC and report directly to Neil Robinson.

Neil says: “I’m delighted to promote Simon to this key role – it is an excellent appointment for IPC and testament to the depth of digital talent we have within the company. Simon’s proven track record and capability have seen him rise quickly through the ranks, with a host of significant achievements along the way, not least in championing product management and making it integral to all our digital development. It’s a natural progression that he should be promoted to such a significant role within our business and I’m looking forward to working more closely with him.”

Simon adds: “Throughout my last four years at IPC, I've had the privilege of working with some dedicated and talented people responsible for the ongoing development of some great digital brands. Being given the opportunity to continue Kevin's great work of putting IPC Digital at the heart of the business, and to lead such a fantastic team, is something I'm really looking forward to.”

In his new role at Time Inc., Kevin will oversee digital for the lifestyle portfolio, which houses brands including All You, Southern Living and Real Simple. He will report directly to group president Evelyn Webster.