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Society of Editors’ survey to review online moderation

The Society of Editors is carrying out research into online moderation in partnership with the Department for Communities and Local Government.

The rise in digital technologies, social networking and media convergence has meant that more and more readers are viewing content online. With an increasing number of newspapers using a digital platform to increase their readership alongside maximising the power of social networking, moderation has never been as important, says the Society. A rise in the reporting of internet trolls, spamming and online hate crime has meant that media sites have found themselves forced to take a tighter control of what users publish on their websites.

The survey, which has been designed with input and support from the Press Complaints Commission and society board members, aims to aid understanding of the new threat of online hate crime through research and enable moderators of media sites to address this. At a local level, the survey will intend to assist local partners to continue to lead on controlling access to harmful and inappropriate content in places such as schools.

Bob Satchwell (pictured), executive director of the Society of Editors, said: “We hope the survey will make an important contribution to understanding how vulnerable people can be protected without interfering with freedom of expression. The plan is that the survey will help us to produce good practice guidelines.”

Respondents will also be automatically entered into a prize draw to a win a luxury case of wine worth over £50.

The survey can be found here.