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Taggstar launches new image analytics dashboard

Taggstar, the platform which brings images to life on your website, has unveiled its new analytics dashboard which provides publishers with rich data and insights into how the images on their site are performing.

According to Taggstar: The new analytics tool lets publishers see at a glance which images are driving the highest levels of traffic and engagement on their site. This, in turn, helps publishers think more strategically about the images that they are using on their site, and begin tracking how well their images are performing.

Data points within the dashboard are available in real-time, in a visual or graphical format. Publishers can gain valuable insight into the most popular images on their site each day by unique views, dwell time, the images that have been shared the most via social platforms, trackback image data via social platforms such as Facebook, and graphical image view data over a period of time.

Publishers can also drill down deeper into images that have been ‘tagged’ with Taggstar hotspots, via a data subset within the dashboard. This contains information such as how long people have been looking at tags for, click-through rates from tags, and the number of tagged image views.

The dashboard is completely free to use and provides a further reason for publishers of all shapes and sizes to sign-up to Taggstar, and install the image tagging functionality on their website or blog.

Fraser Robinson, founder and CEO of Taggstar, comments: “Publishers have always given careful consideration to the images that they use, but now they will be able to do so with far greater insight and intelligence. We’re hopeful that our dashboard will help marketers and publishers to begin thinking about online images as performance content, or a trackable asset. By monitoring the performance of images via our dashboard, they can make better, more informed decisions about the sort of images they are using, and where they are using them on their site.

“Image analytics and data are a key part of Taggstar’s core proposition. Images are typically the most powerful and engaging piece of content on a page, and our goal is to help publishers bring the value of their image assets into focus.”

In addition to the dashboard launch, Taggstar is also rolling out the first of a range of new customisable features. In response to feedback and requests from publishers, Taggstar users will now be able to choose the colour of their hotspots, to match the look and feel of their site. Additionally they’ll have the choice between the existing grey balloon that appears when a hotspot is engaged, or a new glossy black version.