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Telegraph publishes Afghanistan Tribute

Today, Monday 1st December, The Telegraph publishes a tribute to all 453 soldiers who lost their lives in the Afghanistan conflict (2001-2014).

To mark the official end of the Combat Mission in Afghanistan on 31st December, the Telegraph has gathered tributes from loved ones to honour the men and women of the Armed Forces – soldiers, airmen and marines - who made the supreme sacrifice in the service of their country in Afghanistan.

Relatives and friends have provided many anecdotes and memories of their loved ones, which make for poignant, revealing and often funny reading, says the Telegraph. Others declined to speak or were unable to, though the opportunity exists to update the Telegraph’s online memorial should they wish to do so.

The tribute, now live on, will also be published in paper – across 8 pages – on Tuesday, 2nd December.

Nearly 150 members of TMG staff from all departments have worked on the project.

Find the full special tribute here.

Clich here to read the Telegraph leader.

The Telegraph has also produced an accompanying video based on the tributes that it received in the course of the project.

Twitter: #453remembered.