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Telegraph signs up to AdGent’s tablet ad platform

AdGent Digital, the global media and technology company, has signed up Telegraph Media Group (TMG) to its recently launched tablet-based advertising platform, AdTouch.

The newspaper is now running AdTouch ad units for users accessing their content via iPads.

The AdTouch +Slide unit, gives tablet users visiting the ability to engage with ads ‘tablet-style’ using all of the tactile functions of the iPad including tap, touch, slide, pinch and zoom to reveal new content. This experience enables users to engage with content without being forced to leave the page.

“We created the AdTouch platform so publishers could fill their ad unit inventory with iPad compatible ads,” said Cameron Yuill, chief executive and founder of AdGent Digital.

“We are firm believers in the future of the tablet as the premier device to view content. Research by Gartner predicted that there will be 665 million tablets in use by 2016. We created AdTouch for brands to tell their story in a much more creative way using all the functionality the iPad allows. We are excited that TMG has embraced AdTouch which enables their advertisers to use everything the iPad has to offer.”

James Brown, digital sales director, TMG, said: “At TMG we continuously strive to drive innovation and creativity. AdTouch ticks both these boxes through combining the use of highly impactful rich media creative and harnessing the power of touch screen handheld devices, this enables users to have an immersive experience and truly interact with the advertiser brand.”

AdTouch uses HTML5 IAB standard-size ads to serve touchable, non-intrusive rich media ads.

AdGent recently announced its AdTouch launch with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ‘Earth Hour’ campaign. See showcase video here.

About AdGent Digital

AdGent says: “AdGent Digital is a media and technology company that works with leading publishers to deliver brands a premium audience via proprietary display, social media and tablet advertising platforms. AdGent Digital has offices in USA, Europe and Asia and delivers brand messages to audiences in countries around the World.”