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The Guardian outlines Cop28 coverage and marks environment moment

As Cop28 gets under way in the United Arab Emirates, the Guardian’s team of environment reporters will provide round-the-clock coverage during another critical year of climate talks.

The Guardian outlines Cop28 coverage and marks environment moment

The Guardian says its coverage of the summit will include:

  • A daily liveblog keeping readers up to date with breaking news and significant developments from the conference
  • Explainer pieces and analysis from Guardian environment editors and Cop veterans Fiona Harvey and Damian Carrington
  • Expert coverage within Today in Focus, recently named best news and current affairs podcast by the British Podcast Awards
  • Special episodes of the Guardian’s Science Weekly podcast, including an explainer on what to know going into the conference plus interviews and coverage from Cop
  • Regular video explainers that will unlock hard-to-tell stories for social media audiences
  • Down to Earth, the Guardian’s environment newsletter, cutting through the noise with regular updates on the biggest stories
  • Guardian journalists on the ground with specialisms that span climate justice, biodiversity and the climate crisis

To request an interview with a Guardian journalist reporting from Cop28, please send your request to

The publisher says Cop28 coincides with the Guardian’s fifth annual environment moment, which this year focuses on nature, and looks back at impactful Guardian climate journalism, including an updated environment pledge and results of the Guardian’s first biodiversity audit. Last month, the Guardian announced it had improved its B Corp certification score to 100.9 (up 17% from 86.2 in 2019), with progress in almost every category.

You can read more about the Guardian’s ongoing commitment to reporting on climate and nature in a new column by the Guardian’s head of environment, Natalie Hanman.

Climate justice is set to be high on the agenda of the Cop28 summit. The Guardian’s latest environment investigation, The Great Carbon Divide, explores the causes and consequences of carbon inequality and the disproportionate impact of super-rich individuals, with the richest 1% of humanity responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%.

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