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The Telegraph Media Literacy Programme returns

In March 2023, The Telegraph Media Literacy Programme says it worked with over 300 young people from across the UK.

The Telegraph Media Literacy Programme returns
Ian MacGregor: “If we can help these teenagers understand the importance of trusted, quality journalism in society, and maybe even inspire them to work for us, then that is fantastic.”

The Telegraph says the month-long scheme aimed to break down the barriers to careers in journalism and provide young people with the tools and skills to think critically about the media landscape.

Louisa Wells, head of podcasts at The Telegraph, hosted the programme and was joined by journalists from a range of teams including: Visual Journalism, Social Media, Travel, the News Desk, Podcasts, Sports, Fashion, Music, Foreign, Comment and Design.

The interactive virtual sessions included: Writing Your Own News Story; Inside the World of Podcasts; How to be a Sports Writer; Meet the Fashion Desk; What It’s Like to be a Music Writer; and Life as a Foreign Correspondent. Each week, the attendees were set a ‘journalism challenge’ by one of the speakers in order to help develop their writing skills, added the publisher.

A key focus of the programme was to share insights, advice and inspiration about careers in the media. Participants had the opportunity to learn about The Telegraph future talent schemes which include work experience, internships, apprenticeships and graduate programmes.

The publisher says everyone who completed the programme was awarded a certificate and invited to join the Media Literacy Programme Alumni Talent Pool where entry-level opportunities are shared.

The programme was once again supported by The Careers Office, a charity aimed at helping young people from diverse backgrounds make decisions about their future.

Areas with participating students included: Belfast, Bournemouth, Cardiff, Coventry, Derby, Leeds, London, Hertfordshire, Rusholme, Scottish Borders, Sunderland and Vale of Glamorgan.

Ian MacGregor, Telegraph editor emeritus, said: “It was great to see so many more young people across the country taking part in this unique programme. If we can help these teenagers understand the importance of trusted, quality journalism in society, and maybe even inspire them to work for us, then that is fantastic.”

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