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Thousands sign up to join The Sun’s Jabs Army

The Sun has announced that over thirty thousand people have signed up for ‘Jabs Army’ in less than three days.

Thousands sign up to join The Sun’s Jabs Army
Victoria Newton: “It is public interest journalism at its best.”

When the scheme was first launched, says The Sun, it attracted 50k signups in 18 days, so the publisher is particularly pleased that 32,870 people have signed up in just three days — pledging to do shifts at more than 1,500 inoculation centres.

Victoria Newton, editor of The Sun, said: “I am so proud of The Sun's magnificent readers for stepping up to the challenge and signing up for our Jabs Army campaign - they are helping to save lives.

“When the Prime Minister put out a call to arms for the nation to get boosted in time for Christmas, our readers rolled up their own sleeves and volunteered to work as stewards at vaccination centres up and down the country.

“Over 32,000 signed up in just three days to help the Royal Voluntary Service assist the NHS in their world beating jab roll out.

“It is public interest journalism at its best and I am pretty sure we are the only news brand in Britain that could move that many people in such a short space of time.

“Our readers are among some of the hardest hit during the pandemic, losing loved ones and some losing their livelihoods.

“But they are still prepared to turn out in their droves to help the national effort.

“Last night the Health Secretary Sajid Javid said of our readers: "I am immensely grateful to Sun readers for their incredible community spirit, and to volunteers from other organisations like the St John Ambulance. You are all making an enormous contribution to our country’s fight against the virus.”

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