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Times and Sunday Times Editors confirmed

The Independent National Directors of Times Newspapers Holdings Limited have formally confirmed the appointments of John Witherow and Martin Ivens as Editors of The Times and The Sunday Times respectively.

Both men were appointed on an "acting" basis in January.

In a statement the Independent National Directors said they "have had extended discussions with the management of News UK about the financial prospects of The Times and The Sunday Times and the company’s plans for their future. The Independent National Directors have received new written assurances that satisfy them that the company remains fully committed to maintaining the titles as separate newspapers, as required by the Undertakings given to the Secretary of State for Trade by Mr Rupert Murdoch in 1981. The Independent National Directors are also now satisfied that the financial prospects of the two titles will not in the foreseeable future require the company to take any decisions that might require a change to the Undertakings. Accordingly, the Independent National Directors have interviewed the acting editors for a second time and have approved their nomination.

“The Independent National Directors will continue to keep the titles and the Undertakings under review. As and when necessary, they will commission independent audits of any plan that might affect the separate and distinctive characters of the two titles, and through the News UK whistle-blowing facility, staff will be able to raise any concerns about the Undertakings with the Independent National Directors.

“The Independent National Directors will continue to take whatever steps are necessary to discharge their responsibilities as defined in the Articles of Association of Times Newspapers Holdings Limited".

Mike Darcey, CEO of News UK, which publishes The Times and The Sunday Times said: "News UK welcomes the decision of the Independent National Directors to confirm the appointments of John Witherow as Editor of The Times and Martin Ivens as Editor of The Sunday Times, both with immediate effect.

"News UK remains remains fully committed to complying with the undertakings given to the Secretary of State for Trade by Rupert Murdoch in 1981, and I would like to thank the Independent National Directors for their dedication to discharging their responsibilities under the Undertakings and their ongoing commitment to the two titles."