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Top insights from this year’s PPG

James Evelegh picks out some of the highlights from this year’s Publishing Partners Guide.

By James Evelegh

Top insights from this year’s PPG

The Publishing Partners Guide 2023 was distributed recently with the Jan/Feb issue of InPublishing magazine. In addition to the in-depth profiles of 82 leading suppliers, the PPG also featured twelve articles. Here is an insight from each.

  1. “Something that has been truly transformative for our industry over the past two years and will be key in 2023, is market collaboration.” (Reach’s Emma Callaghan)
  2. A fifth of US citizens now live in news deserts – communities lacking in media outlets that cover local news. The good news is that emerging technologies can help sustain or even increase access to local news. (PressReader’s Ruairí Doyle – advertorial)
  3. “The Digital Markets Unit has been an awfully long time in the making … 2023 has to be the year words become action.” (Iliffe Media’s Ian Carter)
  4. “Just because digital advertising has been around for such a long time, it doesn’t mean that everyone understands it. While national advertisers and agencies have knowledge, local advertisers and sales reps still have limited understanding.” This represents a major opportunity for regional news media. (Smartico’s Christian Scherbel – advertorial)
  5. “Intelligent use of data, with privacy and brand safety at the core of its infrastructure, is a fundamental for revenue growth.” (Hearst UK’s Jane Wolfson)
  6. When reviewing tech stacks, “audience and buyer experience are a given but often overlooked are internal users where friction costs human time, slowing organic product development”. (Full Fat Things’ Vicky Macey – advertorial)
  7. “B2B publishers are in a position whereby leveraging valuable data and insight for their clients, in bespoke audiences, can help to offset declining print revenue and kickstart growth. Therefore, modernising legacy platforms should be a priority, even at a time when resources are extremely tight.” (Mark Allen Group’s Jon Benson)
  8. “Developing high quality content that grabs the attention of readers is particularly important when you consider that our attention span has dropped to 8.2 seconds, which is shorter than the attention span of a goldfish.” (BlueToad’s Paul DeHart – advertorial)
  9. Beware prioritising quantity over quality. “While content marketers are super busy spending an average of 33 hours a week creating content, 43% think their content is just good enough to get published, with only 1% rating their content as ‘excellent’ in terms of effectiveness.” (Redactive Media Group’s Aaron Nicholls)
  10. “Once paper has been recycled more than eight times, and its fibres become too short for paper production, it has a use as a soil improvement agent. So, what comes from the ground eventually goes back into the ground – truly circular.” (Denmaur’s Danny Doogan – advertorial)
  11. “Increasing and embracing diversity and inclusion is central to overcoming the risks and making the most of the opportunities facing academic publishing.” (Cambridge University Press’ Mandy Hill)
  12. If you don’t take care of your staff, you risk the motivation, satisfaction and productivity of your greatest business asset. You need to listen, care, encourage, challenge, nurture and trust. (AdvantageCS’s Dan Heffernan – advertorial)

All these articles can be read in full in the digital edition, where you will also find full details of many suppliers to the publishing industry. I hope you will find it a useful resource throughout the year…

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