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Wokingham.Today chooses PCS’s Knowledge Publish platform

Wokingham.Today is now using PCS’s Knowledge Publish software, and have just used it to launch a sister paper, Reading Today.

Wokingham.Today chooses PCS’s Knowledge Publish platform
Phil Creighton: “I’m an old dog, who remembers paste-up and hot metal. To be taught new tricks by the team at PCS has been a pleasure.”

Knowledge Publish streamlines processes and enables remote working for editorial teams, says PCS. It has a content first workflow and is designed to enhance a team’s productivity. It allows users to seamlessly publish articles to a variety of channels, such as websites and social media platforms.

Richard Mansell, PCS’s solutions manager said it was great to welcome Wokingham.Today to the team: “It’s fantastic to be working with their editorial team, who are dedicated to bringing the news that matters most to the community around them. We were thrilled to be able to provide them with the latest software that not only makes processes quicker and easier but also enables remote working.”

Wokingham.Today opted for PCS as their publishing technology partner, as they were hoping to create a second title with ease: Reading Today was launched last week.

Now the editorial team can stop copying and pasting jobs; they’ve got time to get creative, says publisher Phil Creighton: “I’m an old dog, who remembers paste-up and hot metal. To be taught new tricks by the team at PCS has been a pleasure. It has integrated seamlessly into our newsroom, freeing up time, enabling us to launch a new publication for the Reading area. I've really enjoyed working with the PCS team on the switch, which went very smoothly. For a small team, that made a big difference.”

PCS's Richard Mansell.

“We have been using Knowledge Publish for a month now and have found it to be quick and easy to use – our editorial team has been delighted with it.”

Richard Mansell added: “For years, we have been developing software to make remote working easier for teams across advertising, editorial, and finance. The reports we’ve had back from the publishers we partner with have been excellent during the pandemic, with our software enabling remote working employees to still create first-rate products.”

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