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World of Animals magazine pledges 10% of profits to rhino conservancy

Imagine Publishing and its newest knowledge magazine, World of Animals, today announced a new anti-poaching awareness campaign in partnership with the Ol Pejeta Conservancy based in Laikipia, Kenya.

“Save Rhinos Now” is a campaign aimed at spreading the anti-poaching message to readers of World of Animals and also Imagine Publishing’s entire print and online readership – with a current monthly reach of 5.8 million people worldwide.

The campaign kicks off with World of Animals running a hard-hitting feature highlighting the plight of the rhino in issue 7 on sale today, and throughout the year the magazine will profile and interview key frontline members in the fight against poaching.

A dedicated section and weekly coverage will run on the companion website,, and online donation buttons will also feature throughout the Imagine online portfolio. Over 150 pages of free publicity for the Ol Pejeta Conservancy will feature across Imagine’s print portfolio in the first year, helping to drive cash donations.

However, says Imagine, the only way to make a real difference to the anti-poaching effort is to ensure that more funds get to the front line so that more rangers, trackers and surveillance can be deployed on the ground. Imagine Publishing has therefore taken the step of going beyond offering just marketing muscle, and is committing 10% of its worldwide profits for World of Animals magazine to the Ol Pejeta Conservancy – an organisation that has a proven reputation for fighting poachers and protecting its wildlife.

The “Save Rhinos Now” campaign was born after Imagine Group Managing Director Damian Butt saw the distressing news footage of brutal rhino and elephant poaching activity in Africa, with animals often left wandering in agony and dying for days after having their horns cut off by illegal poachers.

“Like many I was shocked to the state of disbelief at mankind’s ability to unnecessarily butcher such majestic animals as the African rhino, and I was determined to do something about it,” said Butt.

“This campaign has real financial support and worldwide media coverage behind it, and World of Animals is the right magazine to lead the charge against poaching and help prevent these atrocities in the future. I hope this campaign can generate significant awareness and financial support for Ol Pejeta’s fantastic wildlife conservation efforts.”

Richard Vigne, CEO of the Ol Pejeta Conservency said “We on the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya are thrilled and proud to be working with Imagine Publishing in the “Save Rhinos Now” campaign. The more the world is informed about the plight facing rhinos across Africa and other parts of the world, the better.

“As the largest black rhino sanctuary in eastern Africa we are at the forefront of the battle to save Africa’s rhinos from extinction. To be successful we are compelled to spend huge sums of money to pay for armed anti-poaching units, and to secure the habitat that is required for healthy growing rhino populations.”

“Consequently we welcome the possibility that this campaign may assist us to raise the funds that are required to make our rhinos safe, now and for future generations.”

Charis Webster, Editor of World of Animals magazine, said of today’s announcement: “The Save Rhinos Now campaign is about bringing awareness to a massive problem, cruelty like this cannot be ignored. Ol Pejeta is a fantastic partner and this is an exciting endeavour – I’m thrilled we’re able to help in this way. I’m calling out to our readers to help save one of the world’s most special species before it’s too late.”