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World’s Press condemns violence against Pakistani journalists

The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the World Editors Forum have expressed deep concern as growing threats against journalists in Pakistan and called on President Asif Ali Zardari to ensure their protection.

"State agencies have a duty to protect, not intimidate, journalists,” the global press organisations said in a letter to the president. “The threat of violence has created a climate of fear among journalists that promotes self-censorship."

Prominent Pakistani editor and TV presenter, Najam Sethi, the laureate of the 2009 WAN-IFRA Golden Pen of Freedom, was threatened after he raised questions about the military's role in politics.

Mr Sethi, Editor-in-Chief of The Friday Times, said on his Geo News TV show that he had received serious threats from both “state and non-state actors”. He is currently confined to his residence and has police protection because of the threats.

Mr Sethi recently returned from the United States, where he spent several months after he and his family received earlier threats. His remarks come a week after journalist Hamid Mir said he also had received threatening messages from the security establishment.

Mr Sethi has long been harassed by the Taliban, extremists, military groups and the government for his reporting. He was imprisoned in 1999 for anti-national activities after participating in a BBC documentary speaking negatively about former prime minister Nawaz Sharif. The Taliban also threatened to kill him if he did not change his editorial policies.

In a letter sent to President Asif Ali Zardari, WAN-IFRA and the WEF urged the Pakistani leader to take all necessary steps to ensure that those who threatened Mr Sethi and other journalists are quickly brought to justice.

According to reports, 29 journalists have been killed in Pakistan in the past five years, many of them for carrying out their professional duties.

Read the full letter here.

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