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Young journalists take over the Ham&High

Budding young journalists will be taking over the Ham&High Series again as the Archant title launches its third Young Readers Edition, due to be published next month.

Two groups of young readers have already visited the office to pitch their stories for the popular annual supplement showcasing their talents.

Maria Fidelis School pupil Paris Francis, 14, and Jasmin Taylor, 16, from Haverstock Hill will lead the young editorial team.

Editor-in-chief of the Ham&High Series, Geoff Martin, said: “Our Young Readers Editions have been excellent vehicles for young writing talent and creativity, and early indications are that this year will be no exception.

“Having already met more than a dozen of them, I am really looking forward to working with all the bright, young people who want to be involved and I’m expecting a lively response to this week’s call for other contributions across our circulation area.”