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ABC: Consumer Magazines Reporting Standards change

A change has been agreed to the ABC Consumer Magazine Reporting Standards.

The ABC has updated the latest Reporting Standards – 2011 Version 2  to incorporate this change.

In summary:

The change will allow publishers more flexibility to package publication(s) for promotional/sampling purposes, as long as they are excluded from ABC claims.

The ABC Consumer Magazine Reporting Standards Group discussed and approved this change.


Where two or more publications in a multipack are included in an ABC newstrade circulation claim, the rules relating to pricing, barcoding, reporting etc. remain unchanged. However the requirements have been amended for situations where only one publication in a multipack is claimed. The new rules, which apply to issues distributed on or after 1st July 2011, state:

• If only one publication that is sold as part of a package is to be included in an ABC circulation claim (‘the lead title’) then the sale of the pack will be treated for ABC purposes as the sale of just that publication and the multipack requirements will not apply.

• In this scenario it must be clear from the pack itself which publication is the lead title (i.e. the one which can be included in an ABC claim). This could be achieved by:

1. The promotion identifying the lead title as the publication that is purchased and that the other publications in the pack are free. For example: ’Buy X get Y free’, where X would be the lead title; or

2. The lead title’s greater prominence. For example the publication whose front page is visible at the front of the pack.

• The lead title sold as part of a package cannot be included in an ABC newstrade claim if it is a back issue or it is promoted as free.

Please refer to section 7.3.1 of the Reporting Standards for the full wording and examples.