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Adobe launches Adobe Experience Manager Mobile

At the GSM Mobile World Congress today, Adobe announces the launch of Adobe Experience Manager Mobile which will simplify the process of building and managing visually appealing enterprise applications that are as easy to use as consumer apps, says the company.

According to Adobe, Adobe Experience Manager Mobile also enables developers to extend the functionality of these apps by connecting them to critical business data and systems like customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP).

“Mobile apps are integral to the enterprise, yet brands struggle with how to build, manage and deliver mobile experiences that consumers have grown accustomed to,” said Nick Bogaty, senior director, Adobe Experience Manager Mobile. “Adobe Experience Manager Mobile brings the simplicity, functionality and design that people expect to enterprise apps.”

“We believe in a human-centric approach to investing to help our advisors and investors see the big picture when it comes to life and finances,” said Mark Kitson, Director of Digital Marketing, Hartford Funds. “With Adobe Experience Manager Mobile, we’re providing both our sales organization and our advisor audience with effective, beautifully designed apps that help them stay current on market trends and insights, and interact with customers about their investments and future in a meaningful way. Adobe’s offering enables us to easily, quickly and affordably publish content that may ultimately help increase sales to our advisor customers.”

Adobe Experience Manager Mobile aims to solve challenges for organizations in retail, manufacturing, media and entertainment, financial services, travel and hospitality, and healthcare.

Adobe expects companies to adopt the tool to:

* Use existing content for mobile: Enterprises can incorporate new and existing content from any content management system or digital asset management system – including Adobe Experience Manager Sites and Assets – and create a new mobile app channel. The same content, workflows and teams can be leveraged to cross-publish to websites and apps.

* Build and extend mobile apps: Adobe Experience Manager Mobile allows designers and marketers to rapidly create apps for iOS, Android and Windows.

* Centrally manage all apps: Adobe Experience Manager Mobile’s unified dashboard view makes it easy to manage and update a huge number of apps within an enterprise from a single location. The dashboard works with new apps built with Adobe Experience Manager Mobile or existing apps.

* Engage, measure and optimize: By integrating Adobe Experience Manager Mobile with Adobe Analytics, enterprises can analyze and optimize app performance without any additional cost.

“Brands seeking to increase customer engagement and loyalty know just how important it is to deliver standout mobile app experiences. All too often, however, mobile app initiatives remain separate, siloed efforts with little connection to the rest of the brand's digital experiences – driving up costs and reducing business agility," said Melissa Webster, Program Vice President, Content and Digital Media Technologies for IDC. "It's time to make mobile apps an integral part of digital experience delivery. Adobe Experience Manager Mobile combines content, management and publishing functionality into one offering that empowers marketers and lets brands realize the full value of their mobile app investments.”

Craig Llewelyn-Williams, founder of Adobe Solutions Partner, The App Lab, speaking from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, said: “This announcement brings together the rich content apps created using Adobe DPS and utility, extending the opportunity to engage with customers. This evolution allows the conversation to extend beyond digital publishing to mobile strategy.”