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Air Business achieves ISO 27001

Air Business has demonstrated its commitment to keeping its customers’ data secure through gaining BSI ISO 27001 certification for all three distribution sites.

ISO 27001 is an internationally-recognised best practice framework for information security management. The certification process contains 114 sections as well as a two-part audit procedure. These are designed to ensure that companies are proactively managing their IT security and data risks and taking significant precautions to keep all the information they hold secure.

First to achieve the certification was the company’s Head Office, which also functions as its chief operational site, in St Albans, Hertfordshire in December 2016. Its other two operational sites in Witney, Oxfordshire and Colchester, Essex gained this shortly after in late December 2016 and early January 2017 respectively. All individual sites will now be inspected annually to ensure that they are complying with the standards required to uphold this status.

This is the latest official certification for the business to achieve, says the company. All sites across the Air Business Group already hold ISO 50001 certificates with St Albans and Witney also holding ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Additionally, the company’s in-house subscriptions bureau, Quadrant, has long-operated to PCI-DSS Level 1 standard which ensures that its data and financial security is at the highest level.

Andrew Parks, Head of IT and Data Services at Air Business Group comments on the achievement: “The information our customers trust us to hold – their subscriber lists – is amongst their most valuable assets. This trust is something we do not take for granted. By gaining ISO 27001 certification we actively demonstrate our commitment to protect their data to the highest standard. Since our own business processes and systems were part of our audit too, we also ensure that our own business information is secure.”

Adam Sherman, Air Business Group Managing Director adds: “We are incredibly proud that Air Business is now an ISO 27001 certificate holder. As a company driven solely by our customers’ best interests, we are relentless in ensuring that their data is in the safest hands possible. To achieve official recognition for this is something we value immensely and will work tirelessly to uphold.”