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Attorney General Withdraws Take Down Clauses

The Attorney General yesterday withdrew the ‘take down’ clauses in the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill.

Following representations and a meeting with the Society of Editors, Newspaper Society and Media Lawyers Association the Attorney General today withdrew clauses in the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill which would in effect have given him power to direct media organisations to take down any online news media archives that he thought might have been prejudicial in civil or criminal court cases or risk contempt proceedings. The proposals for the new defence counterbalanced by the AG’s notice powers are to be removed by government amendment.

Bob Satchwell, Executive Director of the Society of Editors said “When we met the Attorney we said it would be wrong in principle for a member of the government to have power to order media organisations to take down material. We also told him that it would cause huge practical problems if defence lawyers sought blanket orders to taken down material which could be seen by jurors. We are very pleased that the Attorney has listened to our concerns”.