The aim, says Bauer, is to better align mobile content with each brands' online presence and provide up-to-the minute content to consumers.
Andrea Kilbourne, Digital Director at Bauer Media said, “Our strategy has been to converge our web and mobile internet offering direct to consumers. The Kilrush platform integrated smoothly with our existing digital publishing processes providing us with a more flexible and efficient system to deliver entertaining and engaging content for our consumers and clients."
Matt Cockett, Group Commercial Director for Mobile Interactive Group said, “Our mantra with Bauer Media has been about creating content driven communities and in doing so harness the fantastic editorial that is created within their business for mobile. The Kilrush platform enables businesses like Bauer, to publish their digital content to over 7000 mobile devices worldwide via the mobile internet and apps.”
Bauer Media is an existing partner of 4th Screen Advertising. Kilrush works hand in hand with Mpression, 4th Screen Advertising’s proprietary ad serving platform, to ensure mobile properties can maximise growth and revenue opportunities.
Both Kilrush and 4th Screen Advertising are part of Mobile Interactive Group (MIG).